The Deck continues to be an ongoing project, but I’m finally making progress again after it’s started warming up!

The back yard was leveled out, grass scraped away, and weed barrier laid down the entire area.

Once the weed barrier was entirely laid out, I ordered 6 tons of gravel. The plan originally was to have the truck back up right into the back yard and dump/spread straight onto the prepared ground, but the ground would have other ideas.

The poor truck driver couldn’t even get through my front yard. We gave up pretty quickly for fear of destroying the lawn too bad, and I made the decision to just have the six tons of gravel dumped into my driveway.

I considered renting another excavator, or one of those small “walk behind” dump carts, but ultimately cheapness won out on this battle, and I settled for a shovel and wheelbarrow!

Spreading wound up being pretty quick work, and after several days of doing a few wheelbarrow loads at a time, the entire prepped area was covered

Now the plan will be to figure out where to place (and then dig out/pour) footings for the new deck, and then construction on the deck itself can begin!