I wanted to get an air filter for the workshop, commercial options are available and not too expensive but still more expensive than I’d like to spend money on! So let’s build one…
I started by finding a small but powerful box fan used on Facebook Marketplace. It works well and moves a decent amount of air.
To hold the fan, I started building a box out of 1/2″ MDF board, cut down to size and glued together.
Next was to cut a hole in the front board section to hold the fan, lacking a proper circle jig for my router I improvised!

This worked perfectly! The fan fit beautifully and I was then able to 3d print some retainer brackets that would bolt to the outside piece of wood and hold the fan in place

The fan mounted and attached to the larger box:

Then I was able to 3d print some small brackets and a hinge clip that will retain the actual filter on the “intake” side of the box

Two of the corner pieces (on the left) are printed along with the top and retainer clip, then some threaded ball-detents were ordered so that the clip could “swing” into place and hold the filter in place.

The brackets were attached to the box and the entire thing is complete!