In my front yard is a section of off to the side that’s been eroded away over time, while I don’t think it’s continuing to erode and has finally grown over with some grass to help stabilize it, I wanted to put in a small wall and backfill to level the area out.
I first dug out and leveled where the main footprint would sit. Laid down a weed barrier and spread some gravel, then placed the first run of bricks of top.

I used a small dab of this Loctite “Landscape” adhesive on each of the bricks, hoping it will help add some strength to the wall.
3 trips to the store to get enough bricks to do the whole thing, my poor truck was not thrilled with it.

Adding more bricks, backfilling a bit of dirt to help hold up the gravel/weed barrier, more bricks.

A few more courses, more gravel, few wheelbarrows full of dirt to start backfilling.

And we’re left with a nice retaining wall! I could use a few more bricks to properly taper off the left side, and it will be a lot of wheelbarrow-ing to backfill the dirt, but I’m very pleased with how it turned out!